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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

2012 is Flakies Year - Nfu Oh 38

In case you hadn't noticed, this year is meant to be the big Flakie year: after Essie and their Luxeffect collection that contained one flakie polish (if memory serves), Finger Paints released an entire collection, and we can only guess that other big brands are going to do the same. Before that, flakie polishes were quite hard to find, the main brand for them being Nfu Oh which is by no mean a widely accessible brand. But still, I've had their biggest hit n°38 in my stash for a while, so I decided to show you what it looked like.
Flakies are flat colour-shifting particles that are usually contained in a jelly or clear polish, so flakie polishes are more for layering than for wearing alone (well, you can wear them alone, but you'd need several coats, and usually the effect is less strong). Nfu Oh 38 is a rainbow flakie, meaning a clear base with flakies going from orange to green, that will pop out more over a dark base. To show you the various colours you can get, I did two sets of swatches. First is, from thumb to pinkie: OPI Pepe's Purple Passion, A-england Avallon, Essie Topless and Barefoot, A-england Lady of the Lake and OPI Expresso Your Style.

Second set is, from thumb to pinkie: Orly Sweet Peacock, Orly Peachy Parrot, OPI From Monop' With Love, Orly Lucky Duck and OPI Lady in Black.

I'm not overly keen on flakies, for me they have all the inconvenients of glitter (in terms of removal for instance) without being as pretty, so I'm very happy with the few I have (Nfu Oh 38, I also showed you Nfu Oh 51, and I consider Orly Fowl Play as a flakie polish, or rather a polish with flakies since it can't be layered), but I don't think I'll get any more. What about you, are you tempted?

Vous ne l'avez peut-être pas remarqué, mais 2012 est l'année des flakies: il y en avait au moins un dans les collections LuxEffect d'Essie et Finger Paints vient de sortir une collection complète, et on peut penser que d'autres grandes marques vont s'y mettre. Jusqu'à présent, les flakies étaient assez difficiles à trouver, la marque principale proposant ce genre de vernis était Nfu Oh, et ce n'est pas vraiment une marque à grande diffusion. Néanmoins, j'ai dans mes tiroirs depuis pas mal le temps le très populaire n°38, et j'ai décidé de vous le montrer pour que vous puissiez vous faire une opinion sur les flakies.
Les flakies sont des particules plates qui changent de couleur, souvent contenues dans un vernis transparent ou très clair, ce qui fait qu'ils sont plus des vernis de superpositions que des vernis à porter seuls (enfin, on peut, mais il faut beaucoup de couches, et souvent, l'effet rend mieux sur du foncé, donc la superposition reste la meilleure solution). Nfu Oh 38 est un flakie arc-en-ciel, qui va du vert au orange et qui se dévoile au mieux sur une base foncée. J'ai voulu vous montrer un max de combinaisons, donc j'ai fait deux séries. La première a pour base, du pouce vers l'auriculaire: OPI Pepe's Purple Passion, A-england Avallon, Essie Topless and Barefoot, A-england Lady of the Lake et OPI Expresso Your Style

La seconde série est, du pouce à l'auriculaire: Orly Sweet Peacock, Orly Peachy Parrot, OPI From Monop' With Love, Orly Lucky Duck et OPI Lady in Black.

Je ne suis pas une énorme fan des flakies, parce que pour moi ils ont tous les inconvénients des paillettes (notamment pour le démaquillage) sans être aussi jolis, donc je suis très contente de ceux que je possède (en plus de celui-ci, je vous ai montré Nfu Oh 51, et je range Orly Fowl Play dans les flakies, ou plutôt dans les vernis avec flakies vu qu'on ne peut pas le superposer), mais je ne pense pas investir davantage. Et vous, qu'en pensez-vous, ça vous tente?


  1. Oh, I think it's absolutely stunning! But as you mentioned, things like that are a bitch to get off. But I still like to put them on. I have one that looks like a mermaid tail, google "essence choose me" if you want :D (though it doesn't look as pretty on photos as in real life!)

  2. I never thought of Choose Me as a flakie, it's more of a foil I think (I have a similar polish here: http://thepurplefairybook.blogspot.com/2011/08/zoya-charla-comparison.html). Flakies look like fishfood, they are much bigger than foil or glitter. And yes, foils can be a pain to remove too, but for that, I'm ready to take the challenge, because they are so gorgeous!! Speaking of which, I feel like changing my pedicure to a mermaid polish, it'll bring some sun into winter! Thanks for reminding me of that one :)

  3. raaah, damn those polish-makers and the thousand finishes they come up with, it's so confusing: I just realised that actually, Choose Me (and the various other copies in other brands) are not foil, but glass-fleck, I always mix those two. pffiu, it's a hard life being a beauty-blogger, let me tell you!! :p

  4. Honestly, anything sparkly I just call glitter :s to me it's just small or medium or big glitter particles :P The Zoya one does look very similar actually.
