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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

London Day 2 - More classic views, some guards and many lovely shops

Needless to say, all pictures in this message are copyrighted to ©Minnie for The Purple Fairy Book
Bien entendu, toutes les photos de cet article sont la propriété de ©Minnie for The Purple Fairy Book

Ready for another dose of holiday pics? Here's day two, when we hopped on the bus again to get to Buckingham and the Changing of the Guards, and took some pictures along the way in the morning light: Tower Bridge, the Tower, the London Eye, Westminster Abbey, and then the Guards at Buckingham Palace. Then St James' Park and more guards ;)...
Prêtes pour un autre post pleins de photos de vacances? Voici donc jour 2, où nous avons repris le bus pour aller à Buckingham et la relève de la Garde, et avons pris des photos dans la lumière du matin: Tower Bridge, la Tour, le London Eye, Westminster Abbey, la Relève de la Garde à Buckingham Palace, et ensuite St James' Park et encore des gardes ;)...

And then in the afternoon, we went to Covent Garden. Covent Garden is the theatre/opera area but it's also an ancient market that has become a gallery of adorable and trendy shops. Here we found a Moomin shop that got the Finland-lovers that we are all crazy and jumping all over, another Disney store (and believe it or not, but Minnie found something there that she hadn't found in Oxford Street!!), many cupcakes and tea shops, as well as many interior decorations stores.
More pictures after the jump!
Et l'après-midi, nous sommes allées à Covent Garden, le quartier des théâtres et de l'opéra, mais surtout l'ancienne halle du marché qui est devenue un adorable concentré de boutiques trendy et adorables. Nous y avons trouvé une boutique Moomin, et en bonnes amoureuses de la Finlande que nous sommes nous avons sauté partout en criant, une autre boutique Disney (et croyez-le ou pas, Minnie a réussi à trouver des trucs qu'elle n'avait pas vu à la boutique d'Oxford Street), et plein de petits salons de thé/boutique de cupcakes trop mignonnes, ainsi que des boutiques de déco qui donnent envie de tout acheter!!
Les photos sont après le saut!


  1. Your photos are sublime....they belong in a guide book! If I were the British Tourist Board, I would be so hiring you right now, lol! I've never been to London and my family & I are thinking of taking a trip there soon...your pictures make me want to book my flight NOW!!!

  2. Thank you dear though the praise doesn't go to me but to my sweet sister: she's been working a lot on her skills and has a fantastic eye, I'm blessed to have her as my travel companion!!
    There'll be more pictures in the days to come and hopefully it'll give you some ideas of what to do when you get there. London is a fantastic place and I hope you'll be able to go there soon :)
