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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Variations on Pshiiit Glitter Technique

Don't forget, you have until tomorrow to try your luck for the 3rd question of the contest.

Hi! Today I'm showing you my recently-adopted and now favourite way to wear glitter. I love glitter, but I'm the first to admit that it's not always easy to wear as a total look. I'm not super keen on "accent nails" (wearing a different manicure on one or two fingers), so I really fell for the "Pshiiit technique". Pshiiit is a French blogger whom I shall speak more about soon, but today I'll just be talking about this video. It's in French, but basically, the technique is to apply glitter in gradient at the basis of the nail, starting with a first coat on 3/4 of the nail with an almost dry brush. Then you add a second coat with more polish halfway up the first coat. Then you finish with a thick coat of top-coat to level the manicure.
My first try is with A-england Arthur as base colour and China Glaze Some Like it Haute for the glitter. I included a "Barbara shot" in second, to show that the result is smooth!!

My second try was with Essie Waltz as base and China Glaze Nova for the glitter. I'm not entirely happy with the result, because in the end I had to put 3 coats of Waltz to have good coverage and with the glitter plus topcoat, I ended up with 5 or 6 coats on my nails, which caused shrinkage and was too thick to be pretty. But I loooooved the colour combo, very Ice Queen. Minnie thought it would be perfect as a wedding manicure!

N'oubliez pas, vous avez jusqu'à demain pour tenter votre chance sur la troisième question du concours!

Hi! Today I'm showing you my recently-adopted and now favourite way to wear glitter. I love glitter, but I'm the first to admit that it's not always easy to wear as a total look. I'm not super keen on "accent nails" (wearing a different manicure on one or two fingers), so I really fell for the "Pshiiit technique". Pshiiit is a French blogger whom I shall speak more about soon, but today I'll just be talking about . It's in French, but basically, the technique is to apply glitter in gradient at the basis of the nail, starting with a first coat on 3/4 of the nail with an almost dry brush. Then you add a second coat with more polish halfway up the first coat. Then you finish with a thick coat of top-coat to level the manicure.
Bonjour!! Aujourd'hui je vous montre une technique que  j'ai découverte récemment et qui est devenue ma façon favorite de porter des paillettes. J'adore les paillettes mais  je suis la première à admettre que ce n'est pas toujours facile de les porter en manucure totale (sans parler de la dépose), c'est pourquoi j'ai vraiment adhéré à la technique Pshiiit. Pshiiit est une bloggeuse française dont je vous reparlerai mais aujourd'hui je ne vais m'attarder que sur cette vidéo. Elle est française, donc il n'y a qu'à suivre les instructions!
Mon premier essai a été fait avec Arthur d'A-england en base et Some Like it Haute de China Glaze pour les paillettes. J'ai inclus un cliché "spécial Barbara" pour montrer que la manucure finale est bien liiiiiiisse!

Deuxième essai avec Essie Waltz en base et Nova de China Glaze pour les paillettes. Je ne suis pas entièrement satisfaite du résultat car j'ai dû mettre trois couches de Waltz pour qu'il soit opaque (sans doute en partie ma faute), et avec les paillettes et le top-coat, j'en étais à 5 ou 6 couches sur les ongles, donc rétrecissement au bout et grosse épaisseur. Mais je retenterai car j'ai A-DO-RE la combinaison de couleurs, très Reine des Neiges. Minnie a trouvé que ça pourrait être parfait pour un mariage!


  1. Both combinations are super nice. The white one does look very Ice Queen!

    1. I've done at least four or five other variations since I discovered that technique, I really love it!

  2. Still a big fan of the white one... If I get married (if that miracle should ever happened) I'll take that !!!

    1. The miracle would be for you to stop being stupid but I'm not very hopeful :p. And now that you've seen the pink variation, still on for the white?

  3. I LOVE ARTHUR's mani!!! That's very delicate indeed! I have already tried that technique to make a kind of rainbow effect with my nail polish. For instance starting with a dark blue and then tapping slowly the other colour of lighter blue. That's actually awesome but the nails need to be quite long ....well, mine need to be long. The smooth result is very impressive. I really love it.

    1. Well, with colour polishes, I prefer to make a gradient by sponging the second colour at the tip of the finger, but both results are nice. And I actually find that doing a gradient at the basis of the nails does make them look longer anyway, so I don't mind doing it on short nails!
