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Saturday, February 18, 2012

OPI The Color to Watch

Tick-tock: you have until Monday morning to try and guess the number of polishes in my stash and maybe win two OPI polishes. Click on the message on the right-hand column about the contest to know more!!

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a great Saturday! Today I have for you a polish from the start of my NP Addiction, from OPI Fall Collection 2010, The Swiss Collection. I fell in love with that colour right away, I love mauves, I love shimmer and it has some kind of "metallic quality" that really makes it original. It actually reminds me of my favourite skirt, of which you can see a bit below (ok, there it looks grey, but it's actually a mauvey-grey satin-like skirt).

So when I was looking for a light-coloured yet nice polish, I picked that one, mentally kicking myself for not wearing it more often. And then, during application, I remembered why I don't wear it more often: it's a nightmarish road to opacity. What you see below is four coats. yes, you read me right FOUR COATS. And a loooot of brushstrokes...

So I still love the colour, but it does take some motivation and time to choose it. I remember trying to layer it back when I bought it, I'll have to try that again and see if it makes thing easier...

Tic-tac, tic-tac: vous avez jusqu'à lundi matin pour essayer de deviner le nombre de vernis que je possède et peut-être gagner deux vernis OPI. Cliquez sur le message à droite "200 post contest" pour en savoir plus.

Bonjour, j'espère que vous passez un bon samedi. Aujourd'hui, je vous montre un vernis qui date de mes débuts en tant que NPA, il sort de la collection OPI Automne 2010. Je suis tombée amoureuse de ce vernis au premier coup d'oeil, j'adore le mauve, j'adore les reflets et il a un petit côté métallique très sympa. Il me rappelle ma jupe préférée dont vous pouvez voir un bout ci-dessous (ok, on dirait qu'elle est grise, mais en fait non, elle est mauve grisée en fini satinée, c'est superbe!)

Donc quand j'ai cherché un vernis clair mais original, j'ai sorti celui-ci, me maudissant mentalement de ne pas le mettre plus souvent. Et puis, à l'application, je me suis souvenu pourquoi je ne le portais pas plus souvent: c'est un cauchemar d'opacité. Ce que vous voyez en dessous, c'est quatre couches. oui, oui, vous avez bien lu, QUATRE COUCHES. Et beeeaaaaauuucoup de traces de pinceaux...

J'aime toujours autant la couleur, mais il faut vraiment être motivée pour le choisir! Je me souviens avoir essayé de mettre une base de couleur quand je l'ai acheté, il faudra que je re-tente ça pour voir si ça facilite les choses...


  1. I always have a big problem with many coats. I usually put on base, two colour and a top coat, and that's fine. But if the colour needs more than two coats, I usually have to wait AGES for it to dry. Or maybe I'm just impatient :P Any tips?

  2. That's the main problem: the more coats, the longer the wait, but I just cannot stand when my free edge is showing through, so if it's not opaque with two coats, I keep going, and I put the polish on my "pain in the ass" list. With that one, after three hours, I got smudges and marks, so I went for some swearwords and polish remover... but it's a pity, because it's really beautiful!
