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Friday, March 23, 2012

IIIHHIHIHIHIH (excitement inisde)

Hi girls! Just a super quick word because as you know, I'm in Paris right now and I'm very busy, but I HAVE to share this with you. Here's what was posted this morning on OPI's Facebook page: 

 This June, try the four irresistible hues in the Vintage Minnie Mouse by OPI collection. L to R: I'm All Ears, Nothin' Mousie 'bout it, If You Moust You Moust and The Color of Minnie.

I don't care that I don't really like reds and bubble-gum pinks, I'm soooo buying this, and I'm even gonna try to have the display!!

Coucou les filles, juste un petit mot rapide vu que je suis à Paris et bien occupée, mais je ne résiste pas à vous montrer ceci. Voici ce qui était affiché ce matin sur la page Facebook d'OPI: 

 This June, try the four irresistible hues in the Vintage Minnie Mouse by OPI collection. L to R: I'm All Ears, Nothin' Mousie 'bout it, If You Moust You Moust and The Color of Minnie.

Je ne suis pas fan de rouge et de rose bubblegum mais on s'en fout, je les veux!!! Et je vais même essayer de choper le présentoir!!


  1. Replies
    1. JE SAIIIIIIS! Uber mega cute, j'ai envie de faire des câlins aux flacons (nan mais quand je te dis que je suis fondue des neurones en ce moment)

  2. I just.... I just don't like the colours xD But I see why it's cute. I like the display thing and so on. I think the red could be nice, but from what I see it might be too bright for my taste. I'm not sure about the two middle pinks ... like that, in the bottle, I don't really fancy them, but it could be that they look good when one has them on, you know what I mean? I hope you show them to us, so I can know xD

    1. I will get them at some point for sure, so we'll see if you fall for them or not ;)
