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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Butter London Branwen's Feathers

 I first saw today's polish on the beautiful hands of the lovely Eugenia from Ommorphia Beauty Bar (she hasn't had her Friends' Friday yet, which is a shame, but I'm working on it!!). Just like her, I had to have that polish, be it only for the name. And well it's a violet, so could I really resist?
Branwen is a character from Welsh mythology whose story is told in The Mabinogion. Daughter of Llyr, she's the sister of the legendary Bran; she married the king of Ireland but due to pettiness and bad temper, it ended in war and slaughter. Deeming herself responsible, Branwen died of grief.
She's associated with crows and ravens due to her name, literally "white crow", but it seems Butter London chose to picture her with a vampy colour since Branwen's feather is a dark purple with silver, blue and red micro-glitter. It's quite difficule to catch all the nuances on pictures, but it's really a stunner! You see it here in two coats with top-coat.


J'ai vu ce vernis pour la première fois sur les mains de la sublime Eugenia de Ommorphia Beauty Bar (elle n'a pas encore eu droit à son Friends' Friday, c'est très mal, mais j'y travaille!!). Tout comme elle, j'ai d'abord craqué sur le nom, et bon, c'est un violet, comment résister?

Branwen est un personnage de la mythologie galloise dont l'histoire est contée dans le Mabinogion. Fille de Llyr, elle est la soeur du légendaire Bran; elle épouse le roi d'Irlande mais suite à des mesquineries et les mauvais caractères des uns et des autres, ce mariage se solda par une guerre et un massacre. Se sentant responsable, Branwen meurt de chagrin.
Elle est associée avec les corbeaux de par son nom, littéralement "corbeau blanc", mais il semble que Butter London ait choisi de la représenter par une couleur sombre puisque Branwen's feather est un violet foncé rempli de poussière argent, bleu et rouge. Il est difficile à capter en photo, mais c'est vraiment un vernis sublime! Vous le voyez ici en deux couches avec top-coat. 



  1. Oh lol, that's actually the one I had bought for you :P Darn. What are the odds??

    1. Oh no!!! Those polishes are pretty hard to find, I never thought you'd go for that :( I'm sorry! And if I remember well, you bought the same for you, right? so you can't even keep it for yourself. I feel so bad...

  2. Don't feel bad, I'll just keep them both because it's really pretty!
