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Monday, February 27, 2012

The sad fate of Sabra - A-england Princess tears & Bridal Veil

So, I left you yesterday with the horrible news that the lottery in Silene had chosen Sabra to be the dragon's next victim. The Princess faced her fate bravely, and went to the dragon, tears in her eyes and a black veil as a bridal attire...

Princess Tears proved to be the most difficult polish to capture. In the bottle you can see the shift in colour from lavenver to grey and green, and it's quite visible on the nail too, but evasive on pics.

Bridal Veil was THE polish I wanted from this collection at first sight. I don't really know why, but there's something about black holo polishes that makes me crazy. I'm lucky to possess the holo black version of OPI's My Private Jet, but still, I can't resist. So get ready for many pics of that jewel!!

See you tomorrow for the arrival of the hero and the happy ending!

Je vous ai laissé hier sur le terrible résultat du tirage au sort qui faisait de Sabra la prochaine victime du dragon. Et c'est avec courage, les larmes coulant sur ses joues et un voile noir comme tout accessoire de mariée funèbre...

Princess Tears fut le vernis le plus difficile à prendre en photos. Dans le flacon, on voit bien le changement de couleur du mauve au gris et au vert, et il est bien présent sur les ongles, mais il ne se voit pas sur mes clichés.

Bridal Veil est LE vernis qui m'a fait envie au premier regard. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je suis tant attirée par les noirs holographiques et même si j'ai la chance de posséder le My Private Jet d'OPI dans sa version noire et holographique, je ne m'en lasse pas. Alors préparez-vous pour pleeeeeeins de photos!!

A demain pour l'arrivée du héros et la fin heureuse!


  1. Bridal veil is stunning!

    1. I did answer that but somehow it disappeared. I was saying that this polish is a dream, on top of being beautiful, it applies itself, what you see here is one coat without any clean-up, it's almost as if the polish had jumped out of the bottle and right on my nails perfectly!!

  2. Aaaaah yes, aujourd'hui, je vois l'espace commentaire, j'en profiiiiite !!

    Alors dans l'ordre, Princess Tears est magnifique, je suis jalouse de MPJ premier du nom, moi j'ai la deuxième version et Bridal Veil <3 <3 <3

    Des bises

    1. yes, c'est cool que ce soit revenu! J'ai désactivé la modération des commentaires, c'est peut-être ça qui posait problème, va savoir. Pour MPJ, je n'ai même pas eu trop de mal à l'avoir à l'époque, je l'ai pris sur MBeauty Lounge. Mtnt ils ont beaucoup moins de vernis rares, mais quand j'ai commencé ma collec à l'été 2010, ils avaient encore pleins de trucs, et je l'avais payé 20$ avec les fdp, donc vraiment, je ne me suis pas posée de questions!!
      Mais bon, on trouve de plus en plus de holos mtnt, avec des marques comme Glitter Gal, Hits ou Ludurana, peut-être que MPJ va arrêter de sortir à 75$ sur Ebay...

  3. Really excellent pictures, it's impressive...

  4. .....ahhhhh....wonderful swatches! I agree with you about the elusiveness of Princess Tears, but to me, that's part of its incredible allure. What can I possibly say about Bridal Veil? It is sublime and thank you for showering us with your pics.....I'll never get enough of looking at that beauty! Now on to the next chapter.....

    1. Everything that is magical and enchanting has to be elusive!! Damn, this brings me back to my PhD thesis and the study of fairy women in Celtic legends and Tolkien's works. And I'm listening to Loreena McKennitt's latest cd (adorable gift from my precious sister yesterday) while typing this, how fitting!

    2. I absolutely adore Loreena McKennit! She's Canadian (like me!) and I first discovered her work back in 1990...an acquaintance of mine knew her record producer and gave me a copy of her 2nd cd, The Visit (her first cd was Elemental) and I've bee smitten with her ethereal voice ever since. I also love your thesis subjects...so totally up my alley! I remember reading my first Tolkien novel back in 1979, and have reread my books by him a million times over since then! We are kindred spirits, it seem!

    3. I have The Visit too and The Book of Secrets, and adore them both. And if you find it, I can only recommand her latest album, Troubadours on the Rhine, it's an intimate live session and it's just enchanting. I also remember the first time I opened a Tolkien book, it was the Hobbit and I was less than 10 years old and it's been a neverending love and passion since!
