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Friday, September 30, 2011

Orly Space Cadet

Last week, Sasha from Nihrida showed us a Stargazer polish she had just bought, and thought it might be a dupe for Orly Space Cadet from the Cosmic Effect collection, one of the super-hit polishes of 2010. It made me want to wear Space Cadet again. I had forgotten what a nightmare this polish is!! First, it's very sheer, you can't hope to get away with less than three coats, and then it's uber slooooooooooooow to dry. Even with Seche Vite, I ended with dents more than two hours after applying it. But well, I have to admit that it's so beautiful, it's almost worth it, or at least once in a while!! I took all sorts of pictures with all sorts of lights and settings to try and show you the many faces of Space Cadet.

I find this shot impressive in the difference between what you see in the bottle and what you see on the nails
La semaine dernière, Sasha du blog Nihrida nous a montré un vernis Stargazer qu'elle venait d'acheter et dont elle pensait qu'il était un dupe du Space Cadet d'Orly, un des vernis les plus emblématiques de l'année 2010. Cela m'a donné envie de ressortir cette beauté. J'avais oublié à quel point ce vernis est un cauchemar!! Tout d'abord il est très peu opaque, aucune chance de faire moins de trois couches, et ensuite il est suuuuuuuper lent au séchage. Même avec du Seche Vite, j'ai eu des marques sur les ongles plus de deux heures après la pose. Mais en même temps, il est tellement beau... ça vaut le peine de se donner du mal, au moins une fois de temps en temps!! J'ai pris plein de photos avec des éclairages variés, des réglages variés pour essayer de vous montrer les nombreux et différents visages de Space Cadet.  

Je trouve cette photo impressionnante si on compare les couleurs dans la bouteille et la différence sur l'ongle. 


  1. It was the same with Stargazer one. It took 4 coats to get it somewhat opaque. It's pretty, but I don't know if I'll have the patience to wear it again soon.

  2. Well, I wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't for the super slow drying afterwards... It's one thing to apply another coat, it's another to have to wait and be careful for hours unless you don't want to mess up said three coats :(

  3. Stargazer one did take long to dry. Maybe you should try that one.

  4. Well, now that I have Space Cadet, I'll stick to it until I empty the bottle, but it's officially in my "pain in the ass but beautiful" polishes :p
