About Me

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friends' Friday - Nihrida and the "impossible to find" polish

Comes Friday... Today's I'm gonna introduce you a blogger that I really, really like, the beautiful Nihrida. She's the kind of girl that you feel you have "every reason to hate" so to speak, but can't because she's just adorable. Only her hands are worth hating, she just has the kind of hands that would make you buy poo in a polish bottle if she were to show it!! And on top of that, she's really pretty and absolutely sweet. And she adores animals, especially cats... told you that girl was a jewel! So what are you still doing here? You're not gone to read her blog already?
I can't really go for a tribute nail art for Nihrida, because she's not a nail-art kind of girl at all. So I resorted to polish, and more especially to a polish I knew I had to buy the second I saw it on her blog: P2 Elegant. That turned out to be quite an adventure, because P2 is not an easy brand to find in France, but that very one was a very popular and soon-to-be-discontinued one. But I made it, and this lavender-pale grey with pink shimmer was miiiiiiine!!!!
So here it is in two coats, I did my best to try and show you the shimmer.

C'est vendredi... Aujourd'hui je vais vous parler d'une de mes bloggeuses chouchoutes, la sublime Nihrida. C'est le genre de filles qu'on a toutes les raisons de détester mais elle est tellement adorable que c'est impossible. Rien que ses mains... je tuerais pour des mains pareilles, des mains qui vous feraient acheter de la m***e en flacon tellement elles sont belles!! En plus de ça, elle est superbe et c'est une crème. Et elle aime les animaux, en particuliers les chats... je vous ai dit que c'était une perle! Ben alors, qu'est-ce que vous faites toujours là? Vous n'êtes pas encore parti voir son blog?
Je ne pouvais pas vraiment faire un nail-art hommage pour Nihrida puisque ce n'est pas vraiment son truc, donc j'ai choisi de vous montrer un vernis qu'elle m'a donné envie d'acheter à la second où je l'ai vu sur sa page: le P2 Elegant. L'obtenir a été toute une aventure car P2 n'est pas une marque facile à trouver depuis la France, mais en plus celui-ci était très populaire et bientôt en rupture. Mais j'y suis arrivée et ce sublime gris-lavande aux reflets roses est à moooooiiiiiiiiii!!
Le voici donc en deux couches, j'ai fait mon maximum pour vous montrer ses reflets.


  1. I read this post yesterday and still had the tab opened until today. Just because I know I have to write something, but don't know what. =D
    Thank you for writing such a beautiful post about me. I'm honored. But I have to say, I'm not sweet all the time or to everybody... I can be really bitchy too. ;D Elegant is so pretty, right?

  2. Oh but you didn't HAVE to write something, only if you felt like it. I'm not doing this section to get thanks, and I openly told you about it because you were feeling a bit down.
    As for being "not sweet to everybody", I know you have too much personality for that, but I love people who have the guts to be bitchy too (even if they feel bad about it ;) ).
