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Monday, August 15, 2011

Zoya Charla + comparison

I have sad news!! I had to file down my nails again after a particularly harsh cleaning session at home. I had gloves, but I managed to bump my hands in every possible way and broke two nails... But on the other hand, it'll be an opportunity to focus on dark colours, I'm in the mood for fall already!!
But before that tragedy happened, I was wearing one of my latest beauties, Zoya Charla. Part of the 2010 Summer collection, this is a dupe for OPI Catch Me in Your Net, Orly Halley's Comet, Essence Choose Me and some others. This really was one of THE colours in 2010. 
It's a beautiful turquoise/green foil duochrome, and the only downside to it is that it stains really badly, as is the usually the case with such colours. My tip is to first apply a thin layer of creme polish to strengthen the protection of the nail. So  here is Charla in two coats.

The duochrome really shows in the bottle, maybe less on the nails on the pics, but in real, there's no problem, you can see the colour-change.

I have another polish of the same family, Sephora's Summer in Bangkok, so I decided to compare.

So of course, the finish is really different, Summer in Bangkok is a shimmer and not a foil and Charla is a tad darker, but both make great colours for the summer!!
See you tomorrow to meet my dwarf nails, but hopefully they'll still be able to show off pretty colours!!

Triste nouvelle!! J'ai dû raccourcir mes ongles à nouveau, ils ont succombé à une séance de ménage particulièrement sauvage. J'avais des gants mais je crois que j'ai cogné mes mains dans tous les endroits possibles, et j'ai cassé deux ongles.... Mais bon, ça me permettra de vous montrer des couleurs sombres, je suis déjà d'humeur pour l'automne!!
Mais avant que cette tragédie n'arrive, j'ai porté un des récents trésors, Zoya Charla. C'est un vernis de la collection été 2010, que l'on retrouve chez OPI avec Catch Me in Your Net, chez Orly avec Halley's Comet, chez Essence avec Choose Me et encore dans d'autres marques: c'était vraiment LA couleur 2010. 
C'est un superbe foil duochrome turquoise/vert, et le seul défaut que je lui trouve est qu'il tache l'ongle, ça arrive souvent avec de telles couleurs. Mon petit truc est de mettre d'abord une couche fine de vernis crème pour renforcer la protection de l'ongle. Voici donc Charla en deux couches. 

Le duochrome se voit très bien dans la bouteille et semble moins présent sur l'ongle, mais c'est juste sur les photos, en vrai il n'y a aucun doute. 
J'ai un autre vernis de la même famille, Summer in Bangkok de Sephora, j'ai donc voulu les comparer.

Bien sûr, le fini est très différent, Summer in Bangkok est nacré et pas foil, et Charla est un petit peu plus foncé. Ce sont deux couleurs vraiment très sympas pour l'été!!
A demain pour la rencontre avec mes ongles-nains, mais j'espère qu'ils pourront quand même mettre en valeur les belles choses que je veux vous montrer!!


  1. I love that colour !!! did you know that in the US OPI made a Sephora collection, they basically have the same colors as OPI, the bottle is OPI size, the quality is OPI, but the price is way less expensive than OPI. The pb is that the names are different and it`s already so complicated to remember the OPI names that having to keep track of 2 different sets of names according to the exact brand name is impossible to handle for my brain... anyway one of them really looks like the Charla, maybe a bit greener, the name is impossible to remember it`s "Mermaid...something... Anyway, not only was this color a must in 2010 but it`s also a must wear in 2011. The color is awesome, no brushstrokes, perfect finish, perfect shine and I have worn it many times this Summer toe nails and/or finger nails with /without Konad and each time people noticed the color and asked me where I had found such beautiful nail polish. I have to take some photos and send them to you sometimes!!!

  2. Yes I want pictures!!! I'm counting on you for the Friends' Fridays you know :p
    And yes, I know about Sephora by OPI, usually shortened as $OPI, they often have similar colours. There's also the brand "Nicole by OPI" in the US, and they also release some special collection exclusive to ULTA shops. *sigh* wish I lived in the US for that!!

  3. those photos stayed stuck in my head all day long yesterday so I needed to change polish... naturally I went for the Mermaid To Order by sephora by OPI thinking it would look the same or close to the pics you showed. The color is totally different from the 3 displayed in your presentation....I really thought it would be the same, or at least close to it but it turned out the mermaid is way greener...or maybe it`s because I`ve added some yellow konad designs...I don`t know. Anyway I love the mermaid color but it`s always funny to see that with OPI each color is completely unique and different. I`ve tried to take photos but the result is awful so I`m still working on it. As soon as I have something nice I`ll send the pics to you ;)
